ÖBAG-Dividend: Republic of Austria Receives EUR 1.56 Bln.
The Annual General Meeting of Österreichische Beteiligungs AG (ÖBAG) today approved the Management Board’s dividend proposal for the year 2022. On 20th of June, EUR 925 million will be transferred to the Ministry of Finance as the 100%-owner of ÖBAG. Together with the EUR 638 million from Verbund, the Republic of Austria will receive a total of EUR 1.56 billion from the companies managed by ÖBAG. Special dividends of EUR 486 million are included in the total amount.
Compared to the year 2021, for which EUR 766 million in dividends were paid out, the sum doubled. The total portfolio value of the companies managed by ÖBAG stood at EUR 30.8 billion at year-end 2022.
“Our portfolio companies faced various — and partly overlapping — crises and challenges last year. The significant increase in dividends reflects not only the benign economic performance and the strategic positioning of the companies, but also contributes to the financing of many public tasks,” said ÖBAG’s Chief Executive Officer Edith Hlawati. The special dividends – a result of the exceptional situation on energy markets – also allow specific measures in the interest of the population, added Hlawati.
The annual report for the year 2022 is available at www.oebag.gv.at/newsroom