the ÖBAG portfolio includes
EuroTeleSites AG
EuroTeleSites, a company listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, is the leading provider of wireless communications infrastructure in Austria and the CEE-region. EuroTeleSites AG offers solutions and services to deploy and support wireless digital networks in six countries in the central and eastern European region with longstanding telecommunication expertise: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia. Its portfolio includes of around about 13.200 communications sites and provides for providing premium wholesale services for a wide range of customers. Being a European leading company that is ranked amongst the top 30 tower companies in the world, EuroTeleSites further strives to strengthen its reputation as a trusted partner in the telecommunications industry. Customers range from Telekom Austria as an anchor tenant, to a wide set of mobile operators, internet service providers, private businesses, and government agencies. EuroTeleSites AG is dedicated to providing reliable and innovative infrastructure solutions to meet the ever-increasing demand for connectivity in today’s world.
ÖBAG share (%) h2 >
ÖBAG share (€) h2 >
Revenues h2 >
EBIT h2 >
Dividends h2 >
Employees h2 >
Investments h2 >
1) Short short fiscal year 2023 (22.09.2023-31.12.2023)